Cost Estimate
H.R. 8467, Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024
August 2, 2024
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Agriculture on May 23, 2024, and with subsequent amendments as provided by the House Committee on Agriculture on July 30, 2024
Answers to Questions for the Record Following a Hearing on Hospital and Physician Consolidation and Its Impact on the Federal Budget
August 1, 2024
The House Committee on the Budget convened a hearing at which Chapin White, CBO's Director of Health Analysis, testified. This document provides CBO’s answers to questions submitted for the record.
Cost Estimate
S. 3664, Royalty Transparency Act
July 31, 2024
As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on March 6, 2024
Cost Estimate
H.R. 6062, an act to restore the ability of the people of American Samoa to approve amendments to the territorial constitution based on majority rule in a democratic act of self-determination, as authorized pursuant to an Act of Congress delegating administration of Federal territorial law in the territory to the President, and to the Secretary of the Interior under Executive Order 10264, dated June 29, 1951, under which the Constitution of American Samoa was approved and may be amended without
July 30, 2024
As passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on July 8, 2024
Cost Estimate
S. 4181, Federal Emergency Mobilization Act (FEMA) Workforce Planning Act
July 30, 2024
As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on May 15, 2024
Cost Estimate
S. 4359, a bill to amend the National Dam Safety Program Act to reauthorize that Act, and for other purposes
July 30, 2024
As reported by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on May 22, 2024
Cost Estimate
H.R. 5736, FAIR Act
July 29, 2024
As ordered reported by the House Committee on the Judiciary on January 18, 2024
Cost Estimate
H.R. 7986, Generalized System of Preferences Reform Act
July 29, 2024
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Ways and Means on April 17, 2024
Thrift Savings Plan:
Investment Board Needs to Greatly Improve Acquisition Management and Contractor Oversight
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Federal employees can invest in the Thrift Savings Plan, the nation's largest retirement plan. In 2020, the agency that runs the plan contracted with a company to modernize its recordkeeping system, website, and mobile app. The new system launched in 2022, triggering a wave of complaints. The agency and contractor have improved the system, but there's more to do. For example, some benefit payments involving...
Expanded Use of Supplemental Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Hospitals rely on nurses, among other staff, to meet patient care needs. When they don't have enough employed nurses to provide care for their patients, they may contract with external staffing agencies for travel nurses or supplemental nurses. We reviewed data from 6 hospitals and found that use of supplemental nurses increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. For most of these hospitals, the use of supplemental...
Critical Infrastructure Protection:
EPA Urgently Needs a Strategy to Address Cybersecurity Risks to Water and Wastewater Systems
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A cyberattack on U.S. drinking and wastewater systems could, for example, produce drinking water with unsafe levels of bacteria or chemicals. Nations, cybercriminals, and others have targeted some of the nearly 170,000 U.S. water systems, which are increasingly automated. EPA leads water cybersecurity efforts. It has worked with the water sector to improve cybersecurity. However, EPA hasn't identified and prioritized the greatest risks sector-wide. It...
Lessons Can Help Agencies Better Prepare for Future Emergencies
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We've issued 11 comprehensive reports and numerous other reports on the COVID-19 pandemic. Our review of these reports identified lessons learned that could help federal agencies better prepare for, respond to, and recover from future emergencies. Implementing the recommendations in these reports can also improve preparedness. As of April 2024, we've made 428 recommendations to federal agencies and raised 24 matters for congressional consideration. Of...
Veterans Health Care:
VA's Video Telehealth Access Program Would Benefit from Performance Goals and Measures
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The Veterans Health Administration has significantly expanded its telehealth services—offering health care appointments via video, for example. Telehealth can help veterans avoid traveling long distances for care, including those living in rural areas. In 2019, VHA launched a program to help veterans who don't have internet access get telehealth services by providing private locations equipped with high-speed internet. But in 2022 and 2023, 14 of...
Nuclear Waste Cleanup:
More Effective Oversight Is Needed to Help Ensure Better Project Outcomes
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The Department of Energy is responsible for treating and disposing of waste from nuclear weapons production and energy research. Its projects for building treatment facilities and demolishing old buildings have often been over budget and delayed. DOE project management has been on our High Risk List since 1990. We reviewed DOE oversight of 5 contracted projects. In the only project ahead of schedule and under...
Artemis Programs:
NASA Should Document and Communicate Plans to Address Gateway's Mass Risk
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Two pieces of NASA's Gateway program—the first space station to orbit the moon—are scheduled to launch together in 2027. NASA is taking steps to ensure Gateway will be ready. For example, the program plans to update a cost and schedule analysis that will help determine whether the launch date is feasible. But this program also faces some significant challenges. For example, the mass of the...
State and USAID Should Improve Processes for Ensuring Partners Can Perform Required Work
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Congress appropriated more than $174 billion to support Ukraine since the start of the war. State and the U.S. Agency for International Development awarded a portion of this for humanitarian and development projects supporting Ukraine's needs. These funds went to 111 partners in 197 awards. We looked at how the agencies (1) screened potential partners' past performance before awarding funds and (2) monitored their partners'...
Oversight of U.S. Direct Budget Support
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine is causing devastating loss of life and threatening democracy in Europe. In response, the U.S. Agency for International Development has provided $22.9 billion to the Government of Ukraine through World Bank trust funds so it can continue critical operations and services. This Q&A report discusses: How USAID oversees the use of this funding How much accountability the oversight provides Contractors are...
Social Security Series Part 3:
Options for Reform
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Social Security is a fundamental source of income for millions of retirees and their families. In Part 1 of this series, we reported that Social Security faces financial challenges and could be unable to pay full benefits starting in 2033. In Part 2, we identified criteria for policymakers to consider when evaluating potential reforms. This third brief explores several reform proposals from Congress, academia, and...
Critical Minerals:
Status, Challenges, and Policy Options for Recovery from Nontraditional Sources
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Critical minerals like lithium and cobalt feed technologies that keep the U.S. economy running. But other countries control much of the supply. One way to increase the U.S. supply of critical minerals is to recover them from nontraditional sources. For example, companies can extract minerals from piles of waste rock left at old mines. But using these sources poses challenges, such as high costs and...
Professional Standards Update No. 93
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Federal Judiciary:
Additional Actions Would Strengthen Efforts to Prevent and Address Workplace Misconduct
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Over 30,000 employees work in the Judicial Branch, which includes the Supreme Court, circuit and other courts, agencies, and more. Allegations of workplace misconduct—including sexual and other types of harassment—at the federal judiciary have recently drawn national attention. While the judiciary is working to address workplace misconduct, we found it could: Better align with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's recommended practices for preventing harassment Collect...
Veterans Affairs:
VA Should Develop and Report an Estimate of Needed Equal Employment Opportunity Counselors
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Equal employment opportunity counselors provide employees with information on their rights and obligations under EEO laws. They also gather information from aggrieved employees, try to informally resolve issues, and more. The Department of Veterans Affairs is required to estimate how many counselors it needs per employee to effectively carry out these duties and report this ratio to Congress. VA hasn't done so. We recommended that...
Critical Infrastructure Protection:
DHS Has Efforts Underway to Implement Federal Incident Reporting Requirements
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Cyber threats to systems that provide essential services such as banking and health care are growing. A 2022 law required the Department of Homeland Security to take several actions to address these threats. The first set of requirements for DHS included proposing a rule that identifies which infrastructure operators have to report about cyber incidents. DHS proposed the rule in March 2024. According to DHS...
Human Trafficking:
Agencies Need to Adopt a Systematic Approach to Manage Risks in Contracts
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Contractors that work with the government are prohibited from engaging in human trafficking. But allegations of trafficking persist, and the U.S. has said it's more pervasive than previously thought. We looked at 4 agencies—DOD, State, DHS, and USAID—that spend a lot on contracts or may be at increased risk of using contractors who engage in human trafficking. These agencies have taken some steps to manage...
Financial Management Systems:
DHS Should Improve Plans for Addressing Its High-Risk Area and Guidance for Independent Reviews
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The Department of Homeland Security has a multi-year plan to address its long-standing financial management issues. This includes acquiring modern financial management systems for its component agencies. This Q&A report provides an update to our Feb. 2023 evaluation of DHS's systems modernization efforts. DHS: Has guidance for developing cost and schedule estimates that follows best practices Doesn't have a comprehensive strategy for addressing its financial...
Warstopper Program:
Comprehensive Cost Estimate Needed to Evaluate Potential Expanded Access to Emergency Medications
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The intent of the Defense Logistics Agency's Warstopper Program is to help service members access high-demand items in wartime, including medical items like masks and medicines. Congress directed DLA to assess the feasibility of expanding this program to help all users of the Military Health System (service members, their families, and veterans) access medicines at risk of shortage in a health emergency. DLA concluded that...
Tribal Food Security:
Opportunities Exist to Address Challenges in Federal Nutrition Programs
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Food insecurity—not having regular access to healthy food—among American Indian/Alaska Native households is much greater than for all U.S. households. Unemployment, distance to grocery stores, and high prices are some barriers tribal communities face. USDA's nutrition programs have helped address food availability and quality, but USDA could help states improve outreach to Tribes. Additional outreach could help people living in tribal communities be more aware...
Special Education:
Education Needs School- and District-Level Data to Fully Assess Resources Available to Students with Disabilities
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Many children with disabilities are entitled to special education services tailored to their needs. But it seems that many schools don't have the resources or staff to meet those needs—e.g., social workers, school psychologists, and counselors—creating inequitable access to services. The Department of Education can't address such inequities across schools and districts because it's only authorized to collect specific data at that level. Authority to...
Excise Taxes:
Action Needed to Improve Compliance for Sport Fishing and Archery Imports
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Sport fishing and archery equipment manufacturers and importers pay federal excise taxes that help fund fish and wildlife conservation. Many consumers aren't aware that if they buy the equipment directly from foreign sellers, including via U.S. online marketplaces, they may be responsible for these taxes. Even if consumers know about their tax liability, they may have trouble paying it because IRS's guidance doesn't address how...
GASB to Welcome Three Additional Organizations to Advisory Council
July 31, 2024
New IFRS Sustainability translations available—Japanese and Korean
Translated content
2 Aug 2024
July 2024 monthly news summary
News summary
1 Aug 2024
July 2024 IASB podcast now available
1 Aug 2024
IFRS Foundation publishes guide to support regulators implementing the IFRS digital taxonomies
IFRS Taxonomy
1 Aug 2024
July 2024 National Standard-setters Newsletter now available
News summary
31 July 2024
IASB proposes illustrative examples to improve reporting of climate-related and other uncertainties in financial statements
31 July 2024
July 2024 Accounting Standards Advisory Forum meeting summary now available
30 July 2024
IASB proposes amendments to IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures
30 July 2024
Security Summit: Identity Protection PINs, IRS Online Account protect against tax-related identity theft
IR-2024-200, July 30, 2024 — In the fourth part of a special summer series, the Security Summit partners today reminded tax professionals and taxpayers about the special IRS Identity Protection PIN program and the IRS online accounts that can help protect against tax-related identity theft.
IRS Whistleblower Office celebrates National Whistleblower Day; over $7 billion in collected proceeds thanks to whistleblowers
IR-2024-199, July 29, 2024 — In anticipation of National Whistleblower Appreciation Day on July 30, the Internal Revenue Service Whistleblower Office today recognized the important role whistleblowers play in supporting the nation’s tax administration.
Governor Hochul Announces $350 Million in Direct Financial Assistance to Low- and Moderate-Income Families Across New York
July 30, 2024
A Record 676 Students Named PCAOB Scholars for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Aug. 1, 2024
PCAOB Seeks Nominations for Advisory Groups
Jul. 29, 2024
SEC Proposes Joint Data Standards Under the Financial Data Transparency Act of 2022
July 31, 2024 Washington D.C., Aug. 2, 2024 — Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed joint data standards under the Financial Data Transparency Act of 2022 that would establish technical standards for data submitted to certain financial regulatory agencies. Eight additional agencies have proposed or are expected to propose the joint standards: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
SEC Charges Founder of Social Media Company “IRL” with $170 Million Fraud
Washington D.C., July 31, 2024 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Abraham Shafi, the founder and former CEO of Get Together Inc., a privately held social media startup known as “IRL,” with defrauding investors by making false and misleading statements about the company’s growth and concealing his and his fiancée’s extensive use of company credit cards to pay for personal expenses.
SEC Charges Nader Al-Naji with Fraud and Unregistered Offering of Crypto Asset Securities
Washington D.C., July 30, 2024 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Nader Al-Naji with perpetrating a multi-million-dollar fraudulent crypto asset scheme involving a social media platform called BitClout and its native token of the same name (herein, “BTCLT”).
Improvements Are Needed to Ensure That Local Taxpayer Advocate Service Telephone Lines Are Properly Monitored July 30, 2024
Fiscal Year 2024 IRS Federal Information Security Modernization Act Evaluation
July 29, 2024