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Regulatory Roundup: August 1-7

S.J. Steinhardt
Published Date:
Aug 7, 2023

AICPA and NASBA to Launch Learning Program Designed to Ease Path to CPA Licensure
Aug 06, 2023

AICPA Pushes for ERC Accountability Following Hill Committee Hearing
Aug 02, 2023

CIMA launches new CIMA Singapore Awards in Management Accounting with Singapore Management University
Aug 01, 2023

CIMA and CPA Canada sign Memorandum of Understanding
Aug 01. 2023

Melanie Lauridsen Named as VP, Tax Policy & Advocacy for AICPA & CIMA
July 31, 2023

Two African business leaders join governing body of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
July 30, 2023

Advisory Group Formed to Support Development of National Strategy to Address CPA Talent Shortage
July 30, 2023

AICPA Submits Recommendations on Improving Access to IRS Appeals
July 27, 2023


Answers to Questions for the Record Following a Hearing on Social Security’s Finances
August 4, 2023
The Senate Committee on the Budget convened a hearing at which Phillip L. Swagel, CBO's Director, testified about Social Security’s finances. This document provides CBO’s answers to questions submitted for the record.

Cost Estimate
H.R. 369, NIST Wildland Fire Communications and Information Dissemination Act
August 4, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on June 21, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 4143, National Construction Safety Team Enhancement Act of 2023

August 4, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on June 21, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 4503, AI Training Expansion Act of 2023
August 4, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on July 12, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 4502, Modernizing the Acquisition of Cybersecurity Experts Act of 2023
August 3, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on July 12, 2023

Cost Estimate
S. 490, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) Certification Act
August 3, 2023
As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on July 13, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 1380, Protecting America’s Rock Climbing Act
August 2, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on June 21, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 3283, Facilitating DIGITAL Applications Act
August 2, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 24, 2023

Cost Estimate 
H.R. 3343, Federal Broadband Deployment Tracking Act
August 2, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 24, 20234

Cost Estimate
S. 1466, Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act
August 2, 2023
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on July 25, 2023

Cost Estimate
S. 534, Buffalo Tract Protection Act
August 2, 2023
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on July 19, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 1553, HALOS Act of 2023
August 1, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Financial Services on May 24, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 2798, CFPB Transparency and Accountability Reform Act
August 1, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Financial Services on April 26, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 2872, a bill to amend the Permanent Electronic Duck Stamp Act of 2013 to allow the Secretary of the Interior to issue electronic stamps under such Act, and for other purposes
August 1, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on June 21, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 3208, DHS Cybersecurity On-the-Job Training Program Act
August 1, 2023
As reported by the House Committee on Homeland Security on July 27, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 886, Save Our Seas 2.0 Amendments Act
August 1, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on May 17, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 1726, Continued Rapid Ohia Death Response Act of 2023
July 31, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on June 21, 2023

Cost Estimate
H.R. 3293, Expediting Federal Broadband Deployment Reviews Act
July 31, 2023
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 24, 2023


FASB Seeks Public Comment on Proposal to Improve Disclosures around Income Statement Expenses
July 31, 2023


Priority Open Recommendations:
Internal Revenue Service
Publicly Released: Each year, we make more than 1,000 recommendations to help the federal government save money, address issues on our High Risk List , and significantly improve government operations. This letter to IRS outlines 24 open recommendations that it should prioritize. For example, IRS could improve taxpayer services by modernizing its refund status-tracking tool, setting specific performance goals for the taxpayer experience, and giving taxpayers estimated...

Climate Change:
State and Local Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicles

GAO-23-106022 Published:
Publicly Released: The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. State and local agencies play a key role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles—such as by investing in electric vehicle infrastructure that could reduce emissions. However, some of these agencies face challenges, including: Lacking readily available emissions data or staff with the right subject matter expertise Trouble quantifying...

Unwanted Sexual Behavior:
Improved Guidance, Access to Care, and Training Needed to Better Address Victims' Behavioral Health Needs

Publicly Released: Service members who have experienced unwanted sexual behavior, such as harassment or assault, may suffer from chronic mental health problems. These service members can get non-medical counseling through the Department of Veterans Affairs. But longer-term and psychiatric care are only available with a referral that would be shared with the Department of Defense as part of their patient record—which may deter some service members from...

Private Health Coverage:
Information on Farm Bureau Health Plans, Health Care Sharing Ministries, and Fixed Indemnity Plans

Publicly Released:
Alternatives to traditional health insurance may advertise lower up-front costs or more flexibility. But they also don't have to adhere to federal consumer protection requirements—like guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions or mental health services. We provide information on 3 types of health coverage alternatives: Health plans sold to members of state Farm Bureaus—i.e., agriculture advocacy groups "Health care sharing ministries"—groups organized around beliefs or ethics...

Electricity Grid:
DOE Could Better Support Industry Efforts to Ensure Adequate Transformer Reserves

Publicly Released: Large power transformers help to efficiently transmit electricity across the grid. These critical grid components are vulnerable to wear and tear, natural disasters, and cyber and physical attacks. Replacing them is expensive and takes a long time. The Department of Energy intends to improve grid resilience by supporting the electricity industry as it works to ensure adequate reserves of spare transformers. DOE has identified ways...

Coast Guard Acquisitions:
Offshore Patrol Cutter Program Needs to Mature Technology and Design [Reissued with revisions on Aug. 1, 2023]

Publicly Released: The U.S. Coast Guard plans to spend over $12 billion to acquire 25 Offshore Patrol Cutters—ships that conduct search and rescue operations, among other missions. But the Coast Guard continues taking a risky approach of constructing these ships before the design and technology are ready. For example, the Coast Guard doesn't have a plan to ensure that the ship's critical technology—a crane that suspends, lowers...

K-12 Education:
DOD Should Assess Whether Troops-to-Teachers is Meeting Program Goals

Publicly Released: The Troops-to-Teachers program has been giving grants to states to help military personnel become K-12 teachers since 1992. The Department of Defense canceled the program in 2020, but reinstated it in 2021. The program's goals are to reduce teacher shortages in high-need schools and in key subjects like math, science, and special education. But it's unclear whether the program is meeting its goals, because DOD...

Flood Insurance:
FEMA's New Rate-Setting Methodology Improves Actuarial Soundness but Highlights Need for Broader Program Reform

Publicly Released: FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program is charged with keeping flood insurance affordable and staying financially solvent. But a historical focus on affordability has led to insurance premiums being lower than they should be. The program hasn't collected enough revenue to pay claims, and has had to borrow billions from the Treasury. FEMA revamped how it sets premiums in 2021—more closely aligning them


July 2023 IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group meeting summary now available
3 Aug 2023

August 2023 National Standard-setters newsletter now available
News Summary
3 Aug 2023

July 2023 Due Process Oversight Committee meeting summary now available
3 Aug 2023

July 2023 monthly news summary now available
News Summary
2 Aug 2023

June 2023 IFRS Advisory Council meeting summary now available
1 Aug 2023

July 2023 ISSB podcast now available
1 Aug 2023

New ITCG members appointed
1 Aug 2023

July 2023 IASB Update and podcast now available
1 Aug 2023

European Commission, EFRAG and ISSB confirm high degree of climate-disclosure alignment
31 July 2023


Treasury and IRS issue guidance relating to section 5000D of the Internal Revenue Code
IR-2023-141, Aug. 4, 2023 — The Department of the Treasury and the IRS today issued guidance for manufacturers, producers and importers of certain drugs regarding the tax imposed by section 5000D of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 5000D was enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Home energy audits may qualify for an Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit
IR-2023-140, August 4, 2023 — The IRS issued Notice 2023-59 today regarding the requirements for home energy audits for taxpayers that want to claim the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit.

Treasury and IRS issue proposed regulations identifying certain monetized installment sales as listed transactions IR-2023-139, August 3, 2023 — The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service today issued proposed regulations identifying certain monetized installment sale transactions and substantially similar transactions as listed transactions – abusive tax transactions that must be reported to the IRS.

Security Summit: Tax pros should remain vigilant against phishing emails and cloud-based attacks
IR-2023-138, August 1, 2023 — In the third installment of a special series, the Security Summit partners warned tax professionals to be aware of evolving phishing scams and cloud-based schemes designed to steal sensitive taxpayer information.


Former Employee Pleads Guilty to Felony Charges for Stealing More Than $250k From Orchard Park Business
August 4, 2023

Attorney General James and Acting Tax Commissioner Hiller Announce Convictions of Nassau County Collision Repair Shops and Owner for Tax Fraud
August 2, 2023


PCAOB Seeks Nominations for Advisory Groups
Aug. 3, 2023


Fund Administrator Charged For Missing Red Flags
Washington D.C., Aug. 7, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against Theorem Fund Services LLC (TFS), a fund administrator based in Boca Raton, Florida, for failing to respond to red flags relating to a fraud against a private fund and its investors.

SEC Awards More Than $104 Million to Seven Whistleblowers
Washington D.C., Aug. 4, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced awards of more than $104 million to seven individuals whose information and assistance led to a successful SEC enforcement action and related actions brought by another agency. Today’s combined award is the fourth largest in the SEC’s whistleblower program’s history.

SEC Obtains Emergency Relief to Halt Utah-Based Company’s Crypto Asset Fraud Scheme Involving 18 Defendants 2023-146
Washington D.C., Aug. 3, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it obtained a temporary asset freeze, restraining order, and other emergency relief against Digital Licensing Inc., a Draper, Utah based entity doing business as “DEBT Box,” as well as the company’s four principals, Jason Anderson, his brother Jacob Anderson, Schad Brannon, and Roydon Nelson, and 13 other defendants in connection with a fraudulent scheme to sell crypto asset securities to hundreds of U.S. investors that raised approximately $50 million and unspecified amounts of Bitcoin and Ether.

SEC Charges Florida Investment Adviser a Second Time for Insider Trading
Washington D.C., Aug. 2, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed insider trading charges against Charles Rustin Holzer, a family office executive and former broker who last year settled SEC charges that he traded in options of Dun & Bradstreet Corp. (DNB) on inside information. The SEC’s latest complaint alleges that, in addition to the options trades that were the subject of the SEC’s prior lawsuit, Holzer also placed unlawful trades in DNB stock through offshore accounts that were not disclosed to the SEC in connection with the prior investigation and settlement.

SEC Charges New Jersey-Based ETF Manager for Fraudulent Conduct and Bars Founder
Washington D.C., Aug. 1, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Samuel Masucci and entities he founded and controls with disadvantaging an exchange traded fund (ETF) they managed and misleading the ETF’s trustees to obtain $20 million in rescue financing to avoid a possible bankruptcy. Masucci and the entities agreed to pay a combined $4.4 million to settle the charges.


Fiscal Year 2023 IRS Federal Information Security Modernization Act Evaluation
August 2, 2023

Expanded Use of Special Payment Incentives Could Help Improve Recruitment and Retention Efforts
August 2, 2023

Sensitive Tax Information Is Not Being Controlled Adequately When Shipping to and From Tax Processing Centers
August 1, 2023

Actions Are Needed to Address Inaccurate, Incomplete, and Inconsistent Taxpayer Assistance Center Information Provided to Taxpayers
July 31, 2023

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