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Latest Articles

  • Proposed Regulations Under IRC Section 2704

    Kevin Matz, Esq., CPA, LLM (Taxation)
    Oct 1, 2016

    On Aug. 2, 2016, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS issued proposed regulations under IRC Section 2704 (the “Proposed Regulations”) that, if enacted in its present form, might significantly curtail the ability of taxpayers to claim valuation discounts for both lack of control and lack of marketability in family-controlled entities. 

  • 2016 New York Tax Update: Highlights and Lowlights

    Timothy P. Noonan, JD
    Oct 1, 2016

    This article covers recent updates and developments in the New York State and City tax areas.

  • A Brief Update on Filing Requirements for U.S. Citizens Living Abroad and Resident Aliens in the United States

    R. John Smith, Esq.
    Oct 1, 2016

    Who has to file Form 1040NR? Form 1040NR may need to be filed if a specified individual is a nonresident alien engaged in a trade or business in the United States, represented a deceased person who would have had to file Form 1040NR, or represented an estate or trust that had to file Form 1040NR. See the form’s instructions for more information.

  • Who Do You Want Making Decisions About Your Online Accounts If You Die or Become Incapacitated? A Proposed New York Statute Would Give You the Right to Choose

    Kadeen Wong, Esq., and Kevin Matz, CPA, Esq., LLM
    Sep 1, 2016
    Have you ever wondered what will happen to the contents of your Facebook, LinkedIn, and personal e-mail accounts if you die or become incapacitated? Does your family know what accounts you have? Do they have the authority to access, use, or terminate those accounts? 
  • Early Twenty-First Century Estate Planners Shift Focus from Estate to Income Tax Planning

    Philip A. Di Giorgio, Esq.
    Sep 1, 2016

    This article will focus on successive changes to the federal tax code since the beginning of the 21st century—which have resulted in a dramatic paradigm shift in estate planning—as well as some of the planning strategies that have garnered increased attention as a result of those changes. 

  • Setting the Tone: The Broken Windows Theory and Tax Policy

    David Tunstall, CPA
    Sep 1, 2016

    The presidential campaign is in full swing, and with it comes tax policy proposals from each candidate. Both candidates have said they will help middle class families by raising taxes on the wealthy. So what are they talking about? Who is the wealthy? How would they do that? Is it true?

  • Number of Expatriations Continue to Rise

    Alicea Castellanos, CPA, TEP, N.P. and Jack R. Brister, TEP
    Sep 1, 2016
    American expats continue to renounce their citizenship at an increasing rate, although the overall percentage taking this step remains relatively small. Driving this trend is the fact that the United States is the sole country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that imposes taxes on its citizens regardless of where they reside. 
  • Does My Organization Have Unrelated Business Taxable Income?

    Robert Lyons, CPA, MST
    Aug 1, 2016

    Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) is a relatively simple concept: It represents activities conducted by an organization that are both (1) commercial and (2) not in furtherance of the organization’s exempt purpose. UBTI is based on the idea that when a nonprofit participates in commercial activities or exploits its exempt purpose, it would be competing at an unfair advantage with for-profit entities because, as a nonprofit, it generally does not pay taxes on its income. 

  • U.S. Announces Greater Scrutiny of Foreign-Owned LLCs: Is Peer Pressure a Motivator?

    Alicea Castellanos, CPA, TEP, N.P. and Jack R. Brister, TEP
    Aug 1, 2016

    The United States and other jurisdictions have spent a decade trying to identify owners of foreign corporations. Now, a five-year-old report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) might have served as an impetus for a U.S. proposal regarding disclosure requirements for limited liability companies (LLCs). 

  • Form 926: Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation

    Mitchell Sorkin, CPA, MBA, PFS
    Aug 1, 2016

    This article is the first in a series of articles explaining various IRS forms that relate to the reporting of foreign transactions.

Tax Jokes

What do gymnasts and accountants have in common? They're good at keeping their balance.

*Outside the Box is a new addition to the TaxStringer featuring important articles on financial and investment management topics by top authors who have expertise both inside and outside the realm of taxation.



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