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Latest Articles

  • U.S. Taxation of U.S. LLCs: Concerns About ‘Hybrid’ Tax Planning

    Michael Galligan
    Aug 1, 2018
    An important concern in dealing with the tax treatment of U.S. LLCs in non-U.S. tax jurisdictions is the extent to which their treatment as “hybrid entities” will cause them to run afoul of a growing campaign against tax planning seeking to take advantage of the inconsistent treatment by different countries and jurisdictions of major types of income and tax offsets. 
  • Does Cybersecurity Apply to Me?

    Steven S. Rubin, JD
    Aug 1, 2018

    Have you heard of cybersecurity? In this digital age, a malicious actor does not need to walk through your doors to steal from you. They can simply click a button. These malicious actors are educated, intelligent, and motivated. While companies strive to establish the impossible perfect defense, a hacker needs to get into their systems only once.

  • Post-TCJA Considerations for Exempt Organizations

    Catherine Petercsak, CPA, and Kerri N. Bogda, CPA
    Jul 1, 2018

    On Dec. 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (the Act) into law. The Act is the most comprehensive change to the U.S. tax code since 1986. In some way, the new rules affect almost every individual, business, and tax-exempt entity. Most of the provisions of the Act are effective for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017.

  • Accountants and Divorce Attorneys: A Marriage Made in Congress

    Joseph A. DeMarco, JD
    Jul 1, 2018
    As divorce attorneys seek to navigate the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) on divorce cases, one thing appears clear: Effective advocacy for matrimonial clients will require greater reliance on accounting professionals. 
  • U.S. Taxation of U.S. LLCs: Major Considerations in the International Context

    Michael W. Galligan
    Jul 1, 2018
    Many countries make a strict distinction between corporations and partnerships for tax purposes and do not have a “check-the-box” election or, if they do, it does not necessarily follow the U.S. scheme. 
  • Both Sides Now: The Increasing Importance of Focusing on Both Sides of Competence for Families and Family Owned Enterprises

    Patricia Annino, Esq., JD, LLM (taxation)
    Jul 1, 2018

    We are in a global societal phase change and are living in a non-linear world. All of us know someone who is one year old, and most of us know individuals who are older than 100. Many generations now coexist—entwining families emotionally, intellectually, physically, and financially in unprecedented ways. Accountants have never been in the position of planning for and impacting so many generations at once.

  • Rising Interest Rates are an Opportunity to Deduct Capital Loss Carryovers

    Thomas J. Boczar and Jeff Markowski
    Jun 1, 2018

    Some companies currently face two concurrent challenges—first, how to accelerate the utilization of otherwise non-deductible capital loss carryovers for tax purposes and second, how to guard against the impact of rising interest rates.

  • Does Lender Management Provide Family Offices with a Roadmap for Obtaining an IRC section 162 Trade or Business Expense Deduction in Connection with Providing Investment Management Services?

    Kevin Matz, Esq., CPA, LLM (taxation)
    Jun 1, 2018

    Lender Management, LLC v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue provides family offices with a potential roadmap for obtaining trade or business expense deductions under IRC section 162 in connection with rendering investment management services.

  • Is That Loss Actually Deductible On Your Cannabis Investment or Loan?

    Peter Metz, CPA, and John Pellitteri, CPA
    Jun 1, 2018

    At the federal level, cannabis businesses that “touch the leaf” are taxed on the sum of revenue less cost of goods sold, according to IRC section 280E. Businesses that do not touch the leaf—meaning those that indirectly benefit from cannabis activity, such as suppliers and landlords—can also claim other deductions. But if there is a loss on your investment or loan, will the loss be deductible? Although the investment might appear rosy right now, storm clouds could one day come to this industry. 

  • U.S. Taxation of U.S. Limited Liability Companies

    Michael W. Galligan
    Jun 1, 2018

    This is the first of a three-part series on an introduction to the cross-border tax treatment of U.S. limited liability companies. Please look for the next two parts in the July and August issues.

Tax Jokes

What do gymnasts and accountants have in common? They're good at keeping their balance.

*Outside the Box is a new addition to the TaxStringer featuring important articles on financial and investment management topics by top authors who have expertise both inside and outside the realm of taxation.



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Views expressed in articles published in Tax Stringer are the authors' only and are not to be attributed to the publication, its editors, the NYSSCPA or FAE, or their directors, officers, or employees, unless expressly so stated. Articles contain information believed by the authors to be accurate, but the publisher, editors and authors are not engaged in redering legal, accounting or other professional services. If specific professional advice or assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.