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Income Taxation

  • Asset Protection Planning for Vulnerable Professionals

    Matthew E. Rappaport, JD, Esq., LLM
    Aug 1, 2020

    America is the most litigious society in the world, and few thoughts strike more fear into the hearts of ordinary people than a protracted lawsuit and—even worse—enforcement of a monetary judgment. Outside of the nation’s capital, New York is home to the most lawyers per capita, so the dangers of litigation loom larger in that state than almost anywhere else.

  • Carrying the Day with Carried Interest Wealth Transfer Planning for Fund Principals

    N. Todd Angkatavanich, JD, LLM, Joel Friedlander, JD, Joshua Zimmerman, JD, LLM, and Naomita Yadav, JD
    Dec 1, 2019

    As the financial markets flourish, there continues to be a strong focus on gift and estate planning opportunities available to hedge fund and private equity fund managers. The inherent compensation structure, including the “carried interest,” presents a unique opportunity for advisors to formulate wealth-transfer strategies for the fund manager’s future generations.

  • Skilled Versus Custodial Care for Senior Citizens

    Daniel G. Fish
    Nov 1, 2019

    Like a wheel of fortune, some senior citizens will suffer an illness and no financial risk, whereas others will suffer both an illness and a financial exposure. And many senior citizens are completely unaware of the hidden financial risk they face.

  • Looking Under the Hood of Mutual Funds and ETFs

    David J. Perrotto
    Feb 1, 2019
    Did you know that according to Leichtman Research Group’s annual on-demand study, 54% of U.S. adults said they have Netflix in their household? Why do I mention this? Because it’s the same number of Americans that own individual stock, a stock mutual fund, or participate in a self-directed 401(k) or IRA, and roughly half those assets are outside IRAs. 
  • Powerful Domestic Trust Strategies for International and Cross-Border Families

    Al W. King III, JD, LLM (tax law) and Jack R. Brister
    May 1, 2018
    There has been a powerful evolution taking place over the last decade of international families utilizing the United States for their trusts. Previously, the main reasons for an international family to establish a U.S. situs trust were if they owned U.S. property or if they had a U.S. green card or U.S. citizen family members. 
  • Social Security Filing Strategies Under the New Rules

    Ash Ahluwalia, MBA, CFP
    May 1, 2018

    For most Americans, social security retirement benefits typically represent 30 to 60% of their retirement income. Yet according to the National Social Security Association, LLC, over 90% of social security recipients receive less money than they are entitled to receive. For many filers, this can represent tens of thousands of dollars in lost retirement benefits.

  • Self-Employment Tax for Partnerships, LLC and LLP Members

    Dean L. Surkin, JD, LLM
    Apr 1, 2018
    The advent of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has started to affect the entity structures that taxpayers choose for their businesses. Some practitioners are recommending an expanded use of C corporations while others are recommending maximum utilization of the qualified business income (QBI) deduction. 

Views expressed in articles published in Tax Stringer are the authors' only and are not to be attributed to the publication, its editors, the NYSSCPA or FAE, or their directors, officers, or employees, unless expressly so stated. Articles contain information believed by the authors to be accurate, but the publisher, editors and authors are not engaged in redering legal, accounting or other professional services. If specific professional advice or assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.