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Corporate Taxation

  • Charitable Solicitation Across State Lines: What You Need To Know When Your Charity Clients Engage in Multi-State Fundraising Activities

    Seth Perlman, Esq. and Tracy L. Boak, Esq.
    Feb 1, 2015
    Currently, 45 states, as well as the District of Columbia have some degree of statutory regulation of charitable solicitation activity conducted within their borders. Many, although not all states, require registration and reporting.
  • State Tax Implications for Multinational Companies

    Nicole DeRosa, CPA
    Nov 1, 2014
    As if the ever-changing state and local tax laws and regulations aren't complicated enough for U.S.-based companies, multinational (i.e. foreign, non-U.S.) companies have it worse. For such company, failure to consider state and local tax implications when deciding to expand to the United States could have costly consequences.
  • New York State Corporation Tax Reform: Prepare Now for Changes in 2015

    Brian Gordon, CPA
    Oct 1, 2014
    There are sweeping changes coming to New York State corporation tax laws, effective for tax years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2015, for reasons that include reducing complexity and removing uncertainty.
  • Fraud Case Study: Travel and Expense Fraud

    David Zweighaft, CPA/CFE, CPE
    Aug 1, 2014
    Certain situations increase the likelihood of fraud, such as when a trusted employee is under financial pressure, feels he deserves greater recognition or more pay, and has the ability to prepare and obtain approval for reimbursement of any travel and expense submissions.
  • Tax Incentives for Film Production in New York State

    Zev Landau, CPA, MBA
    Jul 1, 2014
    Because New York state is a financial powerhouse (just consider Wall Street), it has an important edge in securing financing for film productions. New York’s government and its wealthy entities can provide financing through government grants, tax incentives, and tax credits.
  • To Throwback or Not to Throwback: California Nexus and Allocation Rules

    Brian Gordon, CPA
    Apr 1, 2014
    The first thing a company must determine is whether it is required to file a California tax return. One longstanding part of California’s nexus law seemed simple: companies conducting business for profit in California had to file a tax return. But beginning in 2011, California established new economic nexus rules that made this process more complex.
  • With Net Investment Income, as Many Questions as Answers

    Mary Ho, CPA
    Mar 1, 2014
    Life has become both more complex and simpler for the investor, thanks to the release of the much anticipated final net investment income (NII) tax regulations last November, along with a new set of proposed regulations that provide guidance on the computation of net investment income. Although the regulations clarify many issues, the rules can be complicated in its application and no doubt new questions will crop up as CPAs prepare returns in 2014.

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