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August 2015 » The Role of The CPA Journal during...
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Mark E. Jobe, PhD, CPA, and Dale L. Flesher, PhD, CPA
As The CPA Journal celebrates its 85th anniversary, a look back into the past reveals many highlights in the magazine's history, especially during that era most characterized by professional unity and a spirit of service: World War II. During the early 1940s, publishing a professional journal was difficult; many staff members and potential authors had left for war, and a paper shortage posed additional challenges. Nevertheless, the publication—then known as the New York Certified Public Accountant (CPA)—contributed to the war effort. Although there were a multitude of war-related issues for the journal to report on, such as new reporting requirements and a shortage of accountants, there was also a need to maintain the status quo on the home front. American Institute of Accountants (AIA) Executive Secretary John L. Carey put into perspective the role of professional society publications during a speech delivered to the Texas Society of CPAs in June 1942: “The profession would not be making its full contribution if it became so completely preoccupied with immediate problems that its own functions were impaired. … They must maintain their professional publications so that vitally important information may be available to them currently.”
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