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May 2014 » The Increasing Relevance of GASB...
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Douglas M. Boyle, DBA, CPA, CMA, and Daniel P. Mahoney, PhD, CPA, CFE
In July 2013, the city of Detroit, Michigan, filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, thus submitting the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in history. But Detroit is hardly the first financially distressed municipality to seek protection from its creditors—and considering the fiscal challenges faced by state and local governmental entities across the country, it is unlikely to be the last. Underfunded public pension and postretirement healthcare plans, relations with labor unions, deterio-rating infrastructure, demands for higher levels of public services, and various other factors have resulted in unprecedented budgetary pressures. As recent history has shown, government officials now find themselves resorting to historically drastic measures to deal with such pressures.
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