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In this Issue : December 2020/January 2021

Featured this month are our two major annual surveys aimed at providing readers with some insights into the current state of the accounting profession. The Rosenberg practice management survey provides exhaustive performance and profitability data on CPA firms across the country, and for the past six years it has collaborated with the NYSSCPA to provide local benchmarking results. Since this year's survey was largely conducted before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is supplemented here with a brief survey of NYSSCPA members focused on the impact of COVID-19 on accounting practices.

The second feature is our annual survey of NYSSCPA tax practitioners on the most popular tax preparation and research software packages. The survey was conducted after one of the most remarkable busy seasons in memory, and it specifically addresses last-minute legislation and the sudden switch to a remote working environment due to COVID-19.

Several other articles in this issue address various issues relevant to accounting firm practice management. Edward Scott discusses the challenges in following through on diversity and inclusion programs and empowering African American accountants to display racially authentic behavior in the workplace. More responsive management can result in better retention and a stronger workforce. Kathryn Yeaton analyzes the coming changes to the CPA exam and licensing model. The result of a multiyear initiative, the changes are intended to strengthen the core professional knowledge required by CPAs while codifying the specialized disciplines—such as technology—that new accountants must increasingly understand.

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