October 2020
In this Issue : October/November...
This issue commemorates the 90th year of publication of The CPA Journal. Though the Journal's format and even name have changed over the years, what has remain constant is its mission to provide a forum to discuss and promote the advancement of the accounting profession. The editors strive to publish editorial content that provides expert analysis and guidance on the ever-changing rules and regulations that impact the profession; informed opinion on what it means to be a CPA today; and sometime controversial perspectives on the profession's responsibility to society and the public interest. In the past 90 years, the business environment has changed dramatically, and the profession has adapted to remain relevant. Just how this has been implemented in practice is a matter of more than historical curiosity; there are lessons to be learned from the struggles and advancements of prior generations in the face of the considerable challenges of the present.
It is in this spirit that this issue presents a number of historical and biographical pieces the span the decades from the 1930s to the 2020s. In our News & Views section, Sid Kess, Ed Mendlowitz, and Alan Weiner reflect upon their long, distinguished careers and service to the NYSSCPA. Orumé Hays moderates an online panel discussion on the state of the profession today. Among our In Focus features this month are profiles of Colonel Arthur Carter and Maurice Peloubet, thought leaders who made a positive impact on the profession 90 years ago in no small part thanks to their contributions to The CPA Journal and NYSSCPA. The broadening scope of the profession is the subject of several departments this month—from auditor independence and professional ethics, to the fraud gap and professional liability.
The editors would also like to use this space to inform readers about some changes coming to The CPA Journal. Starting with the issue, we will be moving to a bimonthly print frequency. We intend to maintain our high editorial quality standards as well as the breadth of coverage. Our website at http://www.cpaj.com/ will continue to reflect the print magazine, and it will increasingly include content that we did not have the space for in the bimonthly format. Above all, we intend to carry the traditions of the Journal into our centennial with a renewed focus on the changing face of the profession and challenging environment CPAs practice in.