Who We Are
The Business Exit and Succession Planning Committee provides a discussion
forum and disseminates information to members with respect to various aspects of
exit and succession planning for business owners. It consists of CPAs
whose practice centers around owners of privately held companies. Our
mission is to educate ourselves, our clients and the general public about the
many business exit and succession planning techniques and strategies available
Committee meetings are held approximately 6 to 12 times during the year. At
these meetings, members exchange ideas about current business exit and
succession planning issues. Additionally, discussions involve areas
of personal financial planning, estate planning, and business valuation
issues as they relate to business exit and succession planning only.
Discussions will not be investment related in any capacity.
here to view past Committee Chair Bernie Leone's presentation on "Business Exit
& Succession Planning: A Valuable Service to Add to Your CPA Practice."
Click here to read an interview with committee member Keith
What We Do
--Disseminate technical information through educational seminars, articles,
and other presentations.
--Establish a forum to assist professionals on technical issues as they
relate to business exit and succession planning.
--Help members increase their practice by adding exit and succession planning
as a service.
--Provide networking opportunities at committee meetings and conferences.
--Write articles for the Society publications.
--Promote the idea that business exit and succession planning should be an
integral core part of a CPA's practice
Who Should Join Anyone interested in:
Anyone interested in:
--Positioning their practice to benefit from the aging baby boomer
--Increasing their knowledge in business exit and succession planning.
--Creating a new source of revenues for their practice and differentiating
themselves from the competition.
--Strengthening their relationship with their existing clients.
--Wanting to benefit from sharing day-to-day experiences from fellow CPAs
-- Helping the committee and the Society through writing articles and
preparing educational sessions.