Attention FAE Customers:
Please be aware that NASBA credits are awarded based on whether the events are webcast or in-person, as well as on the number of CPE credits.
Please check the event registration page to see if NASBA credits are being awarded for the programs you select.

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Procedures for Scheduling & Administering Programs


Chapters that wish to develop live in-person presentations longer than 2½ hours (3 CPE credits) must decide whether to have their program administered by FAE for an administrative fee of $5,500 (Premium Service) or by the Chapter for an administrative fee of $1,600 (Basic Service). If the Chapter chooses to administer the program, it must assume the primary responsibility for program development, promotion, on-site registration, and facility and financial arrangements. FAE will retain the responsibility for all CPE compliance and recording procedures.

In the event, the chapter decides to drop the in-person format and hold their conference in the live-webcast (virtual) format, FAE will waive the administration fee and provide Premium Service.

In the event, FAE selects a chapter live in-person conference to be also a live webcast, FAE will waive the administration fee and provide Premium Service.

Creation and Implementation of Chapter Conferences

FAE staff must provide the basic administrative services for all Chapter Conferences (live in-person and/or live webcast). Premium services may be performed by either the Chapter or FAE (for an additional fee in case of live in-person conferences). Detailed description on the process for creation of a successful conference is provided in the Conference Planning Guidelines (Attachment 1)

Basic Fee - $1,600




Program Development (Instructors/Content)


Program Quality Control Review


Facility Selection/Negotiations


Event Set-up




On-site Registrations, Transfers, Cancellations


Program Materials/Manual


Onsite Event Management


Attendance Reconciliation


Maintain CPE Compliance/Records



Premium Fee - $5,500




Program Development (Instructors/Content)


Program Quality Control Review


Facility Selection/Negotiations


Event Set-up




On-site Registrations, Transfers, Cancellations


Program Materials/Manual


Onsite Event Management


Attendance Reconciliation


Maintain CPE Compliance/Records



Documentation and Timeline

  • Chapter Conference Request Form (Attachment B) must be submitted prior to scheduling a program. All program dates must be approved by the FAE Education Director to avoid conflicts with other Society and Foundation events.
  • 12 months out-Date selection, selection of conference chair, initial call with FAE staff and marketing, review previous conference evaluations, and comments.
  • 9 months out: Call/meeting with FAE staff, and conference planning sub-committee, theme and topics should be discussed, asks to potential speakers should begin. Conference Overview (Attachment 2) should be filled out and returned to FAE.
  • 7-9 months out: Will receive a Conference Agenda Template (Attachment 3) from FAE to fill in speakers, topics with descriptions. Digital marketing will begin.
  • 6 months out:Final agendas are due for FAE and Marketing. Conference Marketing Questionnaire (Attachment 4) should be filled out and returned. Marketing will begin to draft brochure.
  • 5-4 months out: Conference planning subcommittee should work with moderators, panels, and speakers to review sessions, outlines, topics, and presentations.
  • 3-2 months out: FAE staff will send confirmation emails, webcast liaison chosen
  • 2-1 month out: Completed presentations are due.
  • Conference Day! Well done!
  • Post Conference wrap-up. Review of conference evaluations and start planning next year’s event.


For Chapter programs of 3 CPE credits or less, the Chapter, using the appropriate documentation and evaluation forms as supplied by the Foundation, will administer the programs.  Within 6-4 weeks of the presentation, Chapter CPE Session Request Form (Attachment A) must be completed and returned to the Foundation office.  Topics must be approved prior to promotion to assure compliance with CPE regulations.

Chapter Responsibilities


  • To select topics which will meet the needs of the membership by supplementing the overall Society curriculum.
  • To enlist an author to prepare the program design and content.
  • To complete the Chapter CPE Session Request Form before publicizing the course and send it to FAE for approval.
  • To conduct a technical review of the program.
  • To comply with all CPE standards.


  • To select program date for presentation after noting special Society and FAE events and courses.
  • To contact and confirm speaker arrangements.
  • To promote the event.
  • To set a registration fee for members within the guidelines set by the Society.
  • To make necessary facility arrangements.
  • To handle the registration process for the presentation using FAE sign-in sheet/roster.
  • To make all payments related to the presentation.
  • To provide on-site coordination for the program.
  • To distribute CPE Certificates forms to attendees.
  • To distribute and collect evaluation forms from attendees.


  • To complete necessary attendance records.To complete Technical Review Form and forward the required documentation with registration fees within 2 weeks of the program date to the Society office.

Chapters should not publicize courses that do not have course code numbers.                          

FAE Responsibilities


  • To provide the Chapter with possible topics and speakers, and suggest topic areas to develop.
  • To continuously provide the Chapter with a schedule of planned Society and Foundation events.
  • To review and approve the Chapter CPE Session Request Form to insure compliance with NASBA Standards and New York State regulations, and to assign course code number.


  • To provide masters of the required certificate, evaluation, and roster forms for duplication by the Chapter.
  • To process evaluation forms and provide results to the Chapter CPE Chairman.


  • To store and maintain course records, and respond to participant or NYSED/NASBA inquiries regarding attendance or program content.