NEW YORK, NY, June 4, 2012 – The Foundation for Accounting Education (FAE) of the New York State Society of Certified Accountants (NYSSCPA) has announced the selection of John J. Kearney, CPA, a shareholder of Jaeckle Kearney & Lepselter in Garden City, as president for a one year term. Kearney joined the NYSSCPA in 1989 and has served as its president, president-elect, vice president and a member of its Board of Directors and Executive committee.
Three new trustees, selected for three year terms, include Patricia A. Johnson, MBA, CPA, Assistant Professor at Canisius College; A. Rief Kanan, CPA, Director of The Business Institute School of Business, State University of New York at New Paltz, and Ronald G. Hegt, CPA, a tax partner of Crowe Harwath LLP.
Johnson, re-elected as a FAE trustee, has previously served as FAE secretary. She joined the NYSSCPA in 1977 and is chair of its Public Sector Oversight committee and former chair of the Higher Education committee. She is a member of its Not-for-Profit and Anti-Money Laundering committees. She is also the new president of its Buffalo Chapter.
Kanan joined the NYSSCPA in 1992 and served as a member of its Professional Ethics, Mediation and Arbitration, Financial Accounting Standards and Auditing Standards committees. He was also vice president, treasurer and a member of the Executive Board for the NYSSCPA Mid-Hudson Chapter and now serves as chair of its Cooperation with Education committee. He was also member of the FAE Campus Ambassador committee and now serves as the Campus Liaison to the Society. He has also served as chair of the Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) Advisory Board.
Hegt joined the NYSSCPA in 1978. He has served as chair of its Taxation of Individuals committee and as a member of its Tax Division Oversight, Professional Ethics, Closely Held & S Corporations, Relations with IRS and New York, Multistate and Local Taxation committees. He was honored by the FAE as Outstanding Discussion Leader of the Year.
The FAE is one of the Northeast’s premier continuing professional education resources for high quality, cost-effective seminars, conferences, and technical sessions for CPAs and other financial professionals. It is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its creation by NYSSCPA in 1972.