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Career Expert: Don't Rely on ChatGPT to Write Your Résumé

S.J. Steinhardt
Published Date:
Oct 4, 2023

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Be careful about using ChatGPT to help you write your résumé, a career expert told CNBC.

While this generative artificial intelligence (AI) product can help with grammar, spelling and optimization, “It is going to hallucinate information and it is going to take leaps of faith,” said Amanda Augustine of TopResume. “It’s going to attempt to fill in the blanks,” even if it fills in those blanks incorrectly, she said.

Asking ChatGPT to write someone's résumé without giving too many details could result in the invention of bullet points and accomplishments under some of that person's previous roles, Augustine said. She suggested three prompts to prevent ChatGPT from “hallucinating” an answer:

 • If you don’t know the answer, say you don’t know.

 • If you don’t have that data, say you don’t know.

 • If you don’t have that statistic, say you don’t have it.

As an example, Augustin said that someone can prompt ChatGPT to get résumé help by saying, "Give me a list of the most common responsibilities of blank person at this type of company,” then adding, "If you don’t know the answer, say you don’t know.”

Augustine emphasized that ChatGPT is one of many tools to help with a résumé and that a résumé write should never rely on this tool alone.