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Nominee Biographies 2016

 OFFICERS: to hold office for one year, from June 1, 2016:
 harold President-elect  

HAROLD L. DEITERS III, Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, Melville, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1998; member of the Suffolk Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current President-elect of the Foundation for Accounting Education Board of Trustees. Past Vice President and Director-at-Large of the Board of Directors. Past member of the Executive Committee. Current member of the Business Valuation and Finance committees.  Past member of the Awards, Relations with the Legal Community and Member Benefits committees. Past member of the Dues Restructuring Task Force. CHAPTER: Past Suffolk Chapter President, President-elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Suffolk Chapter Public Relations and Cooperation with Attorneys committees. Past Cochair of the Suffolk Chapter NextGen Committee. 

 gregaltman Vice President  

GREGORY J. ALTMAN, Director of Finance and Operations, Health Sciences Charter School, Buffalo N.Y. Member of the Society since 1989; member of the Buffalo Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past Director as a Chapter Representative for the Buffalo Chapter on the Board of Directors. Past member of the Executive Committee. Past member of the Membership and Awards committees. Past member of the Chapter Task Force. CHAPTER: Past Buffalo Chapter President, President-elect, Treasurer and Executive Board member. Current member of the Buffalo Chapter Cooperation with Educational Institutions, Audit and Accounting and Tax committees. Current member of the Buffalo COAP Advisory Board.

 SusanBarossi Vice President  

SUSAN M. BAROSSI, Partner, PKF O’Connor Davies, Harrison, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1992; member of the Westchester Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors. Current member of the Public Schools, Government Accounting and Auditing and Sustainability committees. Past Chair of the Public Schools Committee. Past member of the Accounting and Auditing Oversight, Advancement of Women in the Accounting Profession, Audit, COAP Fundraising, Firm Coordinators, Industry Oversight, Nominating and Not-for-Profit Organizations committees. Past member of the Task Force on Government Audit Quality. 

 anthonychan Vice President  

ANTHONY S. CHAN, President, CA Global Consulting Inc., Flushing, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1989; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors. Past member of the Executive Committee. Past member of the Nominating Committee. Past member of the Governance and Selections subcommittees. Past Chair of the Internal Audit, SEC and Young CPAs committees. Current member of the Chief Financial Officers, Internal Audit and SEC committees.  Past member of the Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions, Industry Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Oversight, Media and Publishing and Members in Public Practice committees. Member of the CPA Journal Editorial Board. CHAPTER: Current member of the St. John’s COAP Advisory Board. Past member of the Baruch COAP Advisory Board. 

 ShillingsfordJohn Vice President  

JOHN S. SHILLINGSFORD, Partner, Albrecht Viggiano Zureck & Company, P.C., Hauppauge, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1994; member of the Suffolk Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past Director as a Chapter Representative for the Suffolk Chapter on the Board of Directors. Past member of the Executive Committee. Past member of the Nominating Committee and Strategy Task Force. CHAPTER: Past Suffolk Chapter President, President-elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Suffolk Chapter Sponsorship, Nominating and Management of an Accounting Practice committees. Past member of the Suffolk Chapter Small Business Committee. 

 JLauchert Secretary/Treasurer  
JOHN J. LAUCHERT, CFO, Horizon CFO LLC, Clinton, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1981; member of the Utica Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Secretary/Treasurer on the Board of Directors. Current member of the Executive Committee. Past Vice President and Director on the Board of Directors. Current member of the Foundation for Accounting Education Board of Trustees. Past President and President-elect of the Foundation for Accounting Education Board of Trustees. Current Chair of the Finance Committee. Current member of the Chief Financial Officers and Bankruptcy and Financial Reorganizations committees. Past Chair of the Bylaws Revision Task Force. Past member of the Audit, Awards, Financial Executives in Closely Held Companies, Hospitality, Industry Oversight, Membership, Nominating Committee Petitioners, Nominating, Not-for-Profit Organizations and Quality Enhancement Policy committees. CHAPTER: Past Buffalo Chapter Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Buffalo Chapter Members in Industry Committee. Past Utica Chapter Executive Board member. Past Chair of the Utica Chapter Industry Committee. Past member of the Syracuse COAP Advisory Committee.
Directors-at-Large: to hold office for three years, from June 1, 2016:
 SolBasilyan Director-at-Large  

SOL S. BASILYAN, Tax Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, New York, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2008; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current member of the Partnerships and LLCs and Taxation of Financial Instruments and Transactions committees. 

 SalCollemi Director-at-Large  

SALVATORE A. COLLEMI, Owner, Collemi Consulting & Advisory Services, LLC, Morganville, N.J. Member of the Society since 1998; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Chair of the International Accounting and Auditing Committee. Current Vice Chair of the Member Relations Committee. Current member of the Accounting and Auditing Oversight and FAE Curriculum committees. Past member of the Professional Ethics Committee. 

 ChrisCahill Director-at-Large  

CHRISTOPHER G. CAHILL, Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP, New York, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1991; member of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Vice President on the Board of Directors. Current member of the Executive Committee. Current member of the Audit, Awards and Banking committees. Past member of the Nominating and SEC Practice committees.

 reneerampulla Director-at-Large  

RENEE RAMPULLA, President and Owner, Rampulla Advisory Services, LLC, Staten Island, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1992; member of the Staten Island Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Chair of the Professional Ethics Committee. Current member of the Financial Accounting Standards Committee. Current member of the CPA Exam Task Force. Past Chair of the Nominating Committee. Past Vice Chair of the Profesional Ethics Committee. CHAPTER: Current Staten Island Chapter Vice President. Past Staten Island Chapter Executive Board member. 

 MichaelTodres Director-at-Large  

MICHAEL M. TODRES, Partner, Todres & Company, LLP, Westbury, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1974; member of the Nassau Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Vice President on the Board of Directors. Current member of the Executive Committee. Past Chair of the Management of an Accounting Practice Committee. Past member of the Community Affairs, Continuity of Practice, Cooperation with Commercial Credit Grantors, Cooperation with the Financial Media, Entertainment and Sports, Large and Medium-Sized Firms Practice, Local Practitioners and Small Firms and Public Relations committees. CHAPTER: Past Chair of the Manhattan/Bronx Chapter Cooperation with Bankers and Other Credit Grantors Committee.

Directors as Chapter Representatives: to hold office for three years, from June 1, 2016:
 NiemotkoTracey MID HUDSON:

TRACEY J. NIEMOTKO, Professor of Accounting and Chair of the School of Business, Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1991; member of the Mid Hudson Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current member of the Public Sector Oversight Committee. Past Chair of the Academic Advancement and Higher Education Committee. Past member of the Awards and Members in the Field of Education committees. CHAPTER: Past Mid Hudson Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary and Executive Board member. Past member of the Mid Hudson Chapter Budget and Cooperation with Education committees. Current member of the New Paltz COAP Advisory Board.

 O'LearyKevin NORTHEAST:
KEVIN P. O’LEARY, Director, Marvin and Company, Latham, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2000; member of the Northeast Chapter. CHAPTER: Past Northeast Chapter President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Past Chair of the Northeast Chapter NextGen Committee. Past member of the Northeast Chapter Cooperation with Educators and Golf Outing committees. 

EDWARD F. ESPOSITO, Sole Practitioner, Edward F. Esposito, CPA/ABV, CFE, Brooklyn, N.Y. Member of the Society since 1986; member of the Queens/Brooklyn Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current Chair of the Business Valuation Committee. Current member of the Consulting Services Oversight Committee. Past member of the Awards, Litigation Services and Personal Financial Planning committees. Past member of the Political Action Committee. CHAPTER: Current Queens/Brooklyn Chapter Immediate Past President. Past Queens/Brooklyn Chapter President, President-elect and Vice President. Current Chair of the Queens/Brooklyn Chapter Sponsorship Committee. Past Chair of the Queens/Brooklyn Chapter Meetings Committee. Past Cochair of the Queens/Brooklyn Chapter MAP Committee. Past Staten Island Chapter Executive Board member. 

 MitchDavis ROCKLAND: 

MITCHELL A. DAVIS, Manager, Grassi & Co., New City, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2002; member of the Rockland Chapter. STATEWIDE: Current member of the Accounting and Review Services Committee. Past member of the Awards Committee. CHAPTER: Current Rockland Chapter Executive Board member. Past Rockland Chapter President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer. 

 Brianreese UTICA:

BRIAN M. REESE, Supervisor, Fitzgerald DePietro & Wojnas CPAs, P.C., Utica, N.Y. Member of the Society since 2004; member of the Utica Chapter. STATEWIDE: Past member of the NextGen Committee. CHAPTER: Current Utica Chapter Immediate Past President. Past Utica Chapter President, President-elect and Treasurer. Past Chair of the Utica Chapter Tax Panel. Past Chair of the Utica Chapter CPE Committee. Past Cochair of the Utica Chapter NextGen Committee.