The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) issued a
staff alert that reminds firms they shouldn't be altering audit documentation. The alert was published in response to recent inspection findings where the board found evidence that certain firms were doing just that.
The board said it has found evidence of registered firms and associated persons have "improperly deleted, added to or altered audit documentation in connection with Baord inspections, and then presented the altered documents to PCAOB inspectors without informing the inspectors of the alternations. In certain instances, evidence indicates that documents were created shortly in advance of, or during, an inspection, backdated, and then made available to PCAOB inspectors without any disclosure of when they were created."
The PCAOB alert said this has happened in both domestic and non-U.S. firms, including members of global networks.
The board reminded firms that improperly altering audit documentation undermines the board's efforts to improve audit quality, and that doing so can result in your firm getting de-registered.