The House Ways and Means Committee has produced for pieces of legislation that would restrict IRS hiring practices, bonus payments and how it spends user fees, according to
Accounting Today. The bills came out of the House Ways and Means Committee and include:
H.R. 3724, which would prohibit the IRS from rehiring employees who were previously fired for misconduct;
H.R. 1206, which would stop the IRS from hiring new employees entirely until the Treasury Secretary certifies that no workers have serious tax delinquencies;
H.R. 4890, which would prevent the IRS from would prohibit the IRS from paying bonuses to employees until the Treasury Secretary makes and implements a new customer service plan; and
H.R. 4885, which would repeal the IRS’s current authority to spend the user fees it collects without congressional approval, with the funds being dropped into a general fund that would be controlled instead by Congress.
Rep. Sander Levin (D-Michigan), the ranking Democrat on the committee, slammed the proposals, saying they didn't represent any serious oversights of the IRS and instead were just one more way to make further cuts to the agency.