It's late. You're preparing your client's financial statement and need a reminder of how to book revenue from intellectual property. No problem, you just go to the FASB's website and click your way through to the online Accounting Standards Codification. But then: tragedy! Someone at the nearby power plant accidentally spills coffee on their console and now there's a city-wide power outage. The lights go out. The printers go out. The computers go out. It's quiet in the office, more quiet than it's ever been before. The silence lets you become painfully aware of your heartbeat, getting faster and faster as you consider how you're going to meet your deadline without a computer.
For situations like this, as well as the myriad others when a computer just won't do, the Financial Accounting Foundation has
released the FASB Accounting Standards Codification and GASB Accounting Standards Codification in book form. The books are current as of October 2015 (for the FASB ASC) and June 2015 (for the FASB ASC). Both come in four volumes.