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Corporate Taxation

  • Tax Exemption: What Nonprofit Executives, Board Members, and Auditors Need to Know (Part 1 of 2)

    Allen L. Fetterman, CPA, MBA
    Apr 1, 2020

    Many nonprofit executives, board members, and their auditors are familiar with Form 990—some auditors might even prepare it. Yet many of these professionals don’t know enough about what needs to be done to obtain and maintain tax-exempt status, and they’re not aware of actions that could jeopardize that status. For that reason, this discussion provides a beginning overview of the basics of tax exemption—and will be continued in an upcoming article in next month’s TaxStringer.

  • The Wayfair Decision and its Effect on Income Tax Nexus

    Brian Gordon, CPA
    Jan 1, 2019
    Nexus is a connection to a state or taxing jurisdiction that is sufficient for a business to be subject to their tax laws. The U.S. Constitution does not define nexus, but gives guidance under two separate clauses. The Due Process clause states that more than a minimal connection is required. 
  • Practical Sales Tax Considerations for Vendors in the Wake of Wayfair (Part I)

    Mark S. Klein and Joseph N. Endres, JD
    Jan 1, 2019
    By now we’re sure you have all heard about the U.S. Supreme Court case South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. This case reversed over 50 years of precedent and completely changed the way states can administer their sales tax laws with respect to out-of-state vendors. 
  • Opportunities and Pitfalls of Advanced Life Insurance Planning Techniques

    Matthew E. Rappaport, Esq., LLM and Edward W. Gordon
    Dec 1, 2018

    Life insurance seems simple on the surface, but is probably the most complicated financial product available on the retail market. Since licensing standards are not rigorous and do not require prior education or apprenticeship, and since training typically covers only the introductory topics necessary to make a sale, most life insurance professionals do not know the intricate details of how life insurance products work.

  • New U.S. Tax Law and the IRC Section 962 Election

    Charles Ladas, CPA
    Sep 1, 2018
    With the ratification of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), many U.S. taxpayers are reconsidering their business structures. The reason for this is that the tax provisions of the TCJA contain greater benefits for domestic corporations than other business entities and individuals. 
  • U.S. Taxation of U.S. LLCs: Concerns About ‘Hybrid’ Tax Planning

    Michael Galligan
    Aug 1, 2018
    An important concern in dealing with the tax treatment of U.S. LLCs in non-U.S. tax jurisdictions is the extent to which their treatment as “hybrid entities” will cause them to run afoul of a growing campaign against tax planning seeking to take advantage of the inconsistent treatment by different countries and jurisdictions of major types of income and tax offsets. 
  • U.S. Taxation of U.S. Limited Liability Companies

    Michael W. Galligan
    Jun 1, 2018

    This is the first of a three-part series on an introduction to the cross-border tax treatment of U.S. limited liability companies. Please look for the next two parts in the July and August issues.

Views expressed in articles published in Tax Stringer are the authors' only and are not to be attributed to the publication, its editors, the NYSSCPA or FAE, or their directors, officers, or employees, unless expressly so stated. Articles contain information believed by the authors to be accurate, but the publisher, editors and authors are not engaged in redering legal, accounting or other professional services. If specific professional advice or assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.