NEW YORK, NY, March 26, 2012 – The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) will honor Stephen P. Valenti, CPA, of Plainview, with the Distinguished Service Award on May 10 at the Society’s 115th Annual Election Meeting Dinner at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. The Distinguished Service Award is given to CPAs who have set themselves apart as Society leaders and provided outstanding service to the NYSSCPA and the profession through dedicated service, contributions to publications, public service and other activities.
“His enthusiasm immediately distinguished him from the rest,” NYSSCPA Tax Division Oversight Committee member David Sands wrote in his nomination letter. “Here was a fellow at a young age heading up committees, volunteering and diving into every assignment without any concern for the amount of time that it would take, but always making sure it was done.”
Valenti is a clinical professor of accounting at New York University and a sole practitioner. He is a former NYSSCPA vice president, and former member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. He has chaired six different committees, including Tax Division Oversight, Closely Held S Corporations, Higher Education and Taxation of Individuals committees.
Valenti, a member of the NYSSCPA since 1983, has also been a member of 30 different committees, including Relations with Financial Media, Relations with Commercial Credit Grantors, Employee Benefits and Relations with IRS committees.
“It is a tremendous opportunity to work with other people,” Valenti said. “My work with the tax division committees has been particularly important.”
Valenti received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Bucknell University and a Master’s of Business Administration in finance from Fordham University. He has served as a lecturer and presenter for Foundation for Accounting Education classes. The United Nations selected him to serve as guest lecturer of accounting in China in 1998.
He has appeared on television, radio and in print for various financial media outlets, and is the author of the book “Employee Benefits (Essential Facts).” Valenti is also an avid thespian, having appeared in lead roles in numerous musical productions, including “Fiddler on the Roof,” “Man of La Mancha” and “The Sound of Music” at Hofstra University and other regional theaters in the tri-state area.
He and his wife, Mary Lou, reside in Plainview, N.Y., and have two daughters, Laura and Diana.
About the NYSSCPA
Representing more than 28,000 CPAs, the NYSSCPA was the first state accounting organization in the nation. Incorporated in 1897, the Society is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to establish and maintain high standards of integrity, honor, and character among certified public accountants.
The New York State Society of CPAs is located at 3 Park Avenue in New York City. To learn more about the Society call 800-633-6320 or visit the Society’s website at