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Press Release

2013 NYSSCPA Financial Journalism Awards

Alonza Robertson
Published Date:
Jan 18, 2013
WHO: The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, the premiere professional association for more than 28,000 CPAs and other financial professionals residing and practicing in New York encompassing all areas of public practice, government, education, business, and industry.
WHAT: Is now accepting submissions for its Excellence in Financial Journalism Awards 2013 from business print, television, radio and online reporters.
WHEN: Entries must be received by 5 p.m. on February 15, 2013. All eligible submissions must have been published or broadcast between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012.
WHERE: The contest rules, judging criteria and entry form can be found here.
WHY: The Excellence in Financial Journalism Awards honor outstanding reporting on   business issues and media members who have contributed to a better understanding of business topics. 
HOW:  All submissions will be judged on accuracy, quality and thoroughness of research. In addition, each entry also will be evaluated for its ability to communicate a balanced understanding of the topic with depth and context.
For more information about the contest, visit or call Alonza Robertson at 212.719.8405 or via email at

NYSSCPA in the News

John Lieberman – Manhattan Chapter
The Real Estate Report – The mortgage interest tax deduction
John Lieberman – Manhattan Chapter
The fiscal cliff and your paycheck
CNN Money
John Lieberman – Manhattan Chapter
Claiming a Home Office Deduction is About to Get Easier
Fox 40 NY
John Lieberman – Manhattan Chapter
Claiming a tax deduction for your home office is about to get a lot easier.
CNN Money

Considered one of the biggest audit red flags, the deduction can be claimed if your home office is your primary place of business and is used exclusively for work. However, the paperwork is complicated, and the legitimacy of the claims are often scrutinized.
Scott Cheslowitz – Nassau Chapter
Tax moves you should make before Dec. 31 that could reduce your tax bill and increase your refund 
New York Daily News

Thomas Torrillo makes partner – Manhattan Chapter
CPA Practice Advisor

Metis Group LLC recently welcomed it newest partner, Thomas Torrillo, who joined the firm as its Audit Partner & Director of Retail and Consumer Products.