Divorce and Business Assets: What You Need to Know
Business Journal News Network
Divorce can be challenging, stressful, and wrought with emotion. In circumstances where one or both spouses have business interests to protect, it can also be complicated. Whether you have spent years building your business, or perhaps inherited a family business, you have invested and sacrificed greatly to ensure its success. Chances are you don’t want to share the boardroom or management decision-making with your ex-spouse. You also want him or her to only get a fair share of the fruits of your labor. Here, presented in a Q&A format, is some important information on how to protect yourself and your business partners in the event of divorce.
Daniel Griffin (Syracuse)
Divorce and Business Assets: What You Need to Know
Business Journal News Network
Divorce can be challenging, stressful, and wrought with emotion. In circumstances where one or both spouses have business interests to protect, it can also be complicated. Whether you have spent years building your business, or perhaps inherited a family business, you have invested and sacrificed greatly to ensure its success. Chances are you don’t want to share the boardroom or management decision-making with your ex-spouse. You also want him or her to only get a fair share of the fruits of your labor. Here, presented in a Q&A format, is some important information on how to protect yourself and your business partners in the event of divorce.
Daniel Griffin (Syracuse)
Divorce and Business Assets: What You Need to Know
Business Journal News Network
Divorce can be challenging, stressful, and wrought with emotion. In circumstances where one or both spouses have business interests to protect, it can also be complicated. Whether you have spent years building your business, or perhaps inherited a family business, you have invested and sacrificed greatly to ensure its success. Chances are you don’t want to share the boardroom or management decision-making with your ex-spouse. You also want him or her to only get a fair share of the fruits of your labor. Here, presented in a Q&A format, is some important information on how to protect yourself and your business partners in the event of divorce.
Daniel Griffin (Syracuse)
Divorce and Business Assets: What You Need to Know
Business Journal News Network
Divorce can be challenging, stressful, and wrought with emotion. In circumstances where one or both spouses have business interests to protect, it can also be complicated. Whether you have spent years building your business, or perhaps inherited a family business, you have invested and sacrificed greatly to ensure its success. Chances are you don’t want to share the boardroom or management decision-making with your ex-spouse. You also want him or her to only get a fair share of the fruits of your labor. Here, presented in a Q&A format, is some important information on how to protect yourself and your business partners in the event of divorce.